Hiring DCS Global is a SMART, educated decision.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely
ESG Reporting
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) metrics are fast becoming a business and operational imperative. This differentiator helps businesses meet increasing demands for transparency and mitigate risk. DCS Global provides processes and impartial data to support the environmental and governance aspects of your ESG strategy.
Sustainability Support
Whether you are implementing new environmental standards, looking to support specific ESG goals, or want to enhance your current “green cleaning” program, DCS Global is uniquely equipped to assist.
Day Cleaning Evaluation & Conversion
Day cleaning decreases energy costs, improves security, and provides more consistent results. As pioneers of this approach, we can quickly help determine if it will work for you. TIP According to a recent Deloitte survey, 85% of respondents indicated “visible cleaning” was “somewhat important” or “very important” as employees return to offices.
Security Service Assessments & RFPs
Janitorial or custodial services and security are two of the biggest investments you make in running any facility. We combine our proven RFP Services skill set with those of a world-class security expert > Find out more about Security Services RFP project management
Fair, transparent, respectful, collaborative
Working effectively with in-house custodial teams.
DCS Global have been very effective working with unionized, in-house custodial groups. We make sure we understand their goals, challenges, objectives, and the parameters of what is possible based on their experience, and within current CBA frameworks.
Once we’ve been brought in to provide support, we typically meet with the leaders of any educational facility’s custodial group very early in the process to secure their input. DCS Global consultants are cleaners first. We speak the same language, and understand the culture and issues. Understanding the cleaning landscape through the eyes of frontline workers, listening to their concerns, incorporating their suggestions, and obtaining their buy-in are major factors in our shared success.
Need a customized solution?
DCS Global specializes in facilities maintenance consulting services tailored to your sector and needs. We are known for increasing quality and sustainability while managing cost, across large and small portfolios.